New technology, faster motion, increased opportunities.
Have you ever considered branching your brand and products yet you’ve been stuck due to distribution obstacles? Introducing the world’s fastest Omori EP-7000 BUX Box Motion Flow Wrapper.

World’s Fastest Flow Wrapper
What is uniquely special about this particular Flow Wrapper is its ultra-high speed product rate, producing speeds of up to 400 packs a minute. Built for agility, change, and longevity of product life, this machine uses a box motion style of sealing which achieves an air-tight seal, even with thicker films. The flexibility of our Omori machines is that they can also handle compostable films which is where the packaging industry is branching into with the roadmap in place for Australian retail foods to be packaged in recyclable, reuse, or compostable material by 2025. All our Omori Flow Wrappers have optional extras such as hermetic sealing and gas flushing (MAP) for products to achieve optimal shelf life and product protection which is essential for the ever-changing market of packaging films.
The EP-7000 BUX has undergone strenuous testing to ensure that high-end quality pack presentation and reduced misalignment are all achieved with no compromise on operation speeds. The EP-7000 BUX ticks all the boxes for ensuring your business isn’t limited to growth, even opening up potential international markets.
Both Omori and Perfect Automation specialise in custom designs and with inhouse engineering, your individual needs are heard. Matching the latest technology with innovative construction this sophisticated Flow Wrapper goes unrivaled.
Perfect Automation believes in innovation and supplying machines that can evolve with the times and we’ll be at Auspack 2022 with our vast array of machinery ready to introduce new exciting machinery technologies to better your production lines.
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