Perfect Automation import and export high quality packaging machinery.

Perfect Automation is the trusted distributor for exclusive packaging machinery Australia wide. With over 45 years of experience, Perfect Automation brings your industry the world’s leading specialists in packaging equipment. Our success stems from innovative solutions, custom designs and our team’s knowledge. The Perfect Solution is what we offer and you have our commitment from the initial stage of packaging development to the install and after-sales service, Perfect Automation is dedicated to you and your requirements. [Read more…]

conveyor machine for produce australia


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Supermarket & Retail Packaging

With a range of products and machines on the market, speak to the experts on packaging for retail and supermarket products. Get the right machine for your product whether it’s fresh produce, desserts, pre-made foods, delicatessens, pet foods, cosmetics or household products. 

Flow  Wrappersomori flow wrapper Pouch Machinespouch machines for food packaging Tray Stretch Wrapperstray stretch wrappers for food and produce Carton  Sealerscarton sealers for food packaging

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Industrial Packaging

Perfect Automation offer industrial packaging equipment that is specifically designed for handling and processing oversized bulk product for warehouse distribution. These specialised heavy-duty packaging machines cut on downtimes, wastage and labour costs so production needs are met. Our machines are ideal for bulk food essentials, construction materials, horticultural range and warehousing products. 


Pouch/Bag Machinespouch or bag machines australia VFFS Machinesvffs machine australia Palletisers
palletiser machine
Hood Stretch Wrapperhood stretch wrapper

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